Saturday 9 April 2011


So I have decided that i am going to be myself and only myself from now on. I am sick of trying to make those backstabbers listen to me :( They're so two-faced, being my friend to my face (or out right lying to me) then saying something to someone else that is different.

I don't understand why we can't all just be friends!?  It won't kill us to get along. We're all being selfish and immature. I love you guys, and I don't want to lose you as my friends but this has to stop, or we're going to regret the consequences.

I suppose I should explain this a little, nothing serious this time but it is not the first time this has happened. Basically, people have decided that I'm annoying and instead of telling me what is wrong so I can stop doing it, they bitch about it to other people but act like my friend to my face. If I do something that bugs you, for f--k's sake, tell me! I will not do it anymore if I can help it :)


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Pulling an all-nighter tonight.

Well, I'm at the college. It is nearly 10:30 and I have a test tomorrow. I am going to study all night.
Today was rather uneventful. Other than my psych class. My prof is all about the clitoris. She brought it up many times.
I got to work with eye-candy tonight and it was great! :) We did the inventory so fast, we had it done before 8pm!

Right now I am writing out my psych note and hanging with Jim, C-man and Dunkers who are playing Magic and The Captain and his classmates whom are also studying. It is going to be a long night, I better get back to studying!


"Om nom nom... NUT!"

I HATE mornings... with a passion.

Kron's room is awesome!!!!! The sun doesn't get in, so it felt like it was still night! :) For once in my life, the damn sun did not wake me up!
I had an awesome sleep, but a strange dream.
I had people over, it was The Captain, a random girl whose name I cannot remember, Claudys was in it and Jack, an old friend Chris from high school, Carson and Lawrence. The random girl whose name I cannot remember was upset about something and The Captain was comforting her. Somehow I lost my pants (I think I got too warm after a walk) and Lawrence gave me his shorts and sat around in his boxers the rest of the night.
I went into the living room and started snuggling with The Captain and then I woke up. :S It was soooo weird!

"Oh haaaaaaiii!"

Monday 4 April 2011

Appearantly it's funny to throw water at people.

So when Kron and I went to The Captain's place, we had a great time. Jim and Jack were there and they were playing Super Smash Bros. with The Captain. And then we had happy times. Marie came into the room and we all started cuddling. It was great. We were sooooo snuggly! When Kron and I went to leave, The Captain, Marie and their other roommate Claudys were in the hall. Marie grabbed a glass of water and proceeded to attempt to dump it on The Captain. It was really entertaining to watch The Captain run like a pussy from the water. We finally headed out and came back here to eat KD and hotdogs! :D.
I have class at 12:30 tomorrow and I'm lazy so I'm going to bed! I have a sleepover with The Captain tomorrow night, looking forward to it! :)



Happy times

So today was National Ass-slapping Day.
Surprisingly I only got my ass slapped twice, which I am okay with. I went on an adventure with my friends Leonard and Carson and we found an old lock and a heavy chain. And of course, being who we are (as this blog develops you will realize I am WEIRD!) we did silly things with this chain. I think I still have marks on my arms and neck *blushes*

So I am a weird person. I enjoy silly things like playing Pokemon and silly disrespectful jokes towards women.

I had to work after school, usual boring stuff. Now I am hanging with Kron and we're going to The Captain's for some happy times ;). Then Kron and I are sleeping together :).

And I am going to end each post on this blog with a cute animal picture, cuz that's how I roll.

Me :)
"If your ears were this big, you'd evesdrop too" 